3-pack sets with String Winder, Cap, and Pick as gifts!
75 USD and above, free shipping.
3-pack sets with String Winder, Cap, and Pick as gifts!
75 USD and above, free shipping.

General Information and Clarification Text on KVKK 

Pre-Information Form According to Consumer Legislation

1. Information About the Seller

Commercial Title: D ve U Music Production (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller")

Address: Bozhane Mah. Kapadokya Cad. No:8/1 Beykoz/ISTANBUL

Phone: +90 536 657 3223

Fax: **********

Email Address: info@pitbullstrings.com

2. Information About the Buyer

Name / Title:

Delivery Address:



3. Subject

The subject of this Pre-Information Form is to inform the Buyer about the sale and delivery of the products specified below in terms of features and sale price, in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated November 27, 2014, numbered 29188.

4. Basic Features and Payment Information of the Product

The basic features of the product or products subject to the contract are explained in this section.

Price Including VAT:
Total Price:
Shipping Cost:

Payment Method:

Total Amount to be Paid (Including VAT):

5. Delivery Time of Goods/Services

Delivery is made as soon as possible, depending on stock availability and after the price of the goods is transferred to the Seller's account. Delays may occur due to force majeure such as natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, etc. The Seller delivers the goods/services within 30 (thirty) days from the order date.

6. Delivery of Goods/Services

Delivery of goods/services is made to the address requested by the Buyer. If the Buyer requests delivery to someone else or to a different address, delivery will be made according to this request. Delivery costs are borne by the Buyer. If the Seller has declared on the website that it will cover the delivery fee for purchases above the specified amount or in certain campaigns, the delivery cost will be covered by the Seller. Delivery of goods/services is carried out by courier companies.

For the delivery of the order, it is required to send a signed copy of the Distance Sales Agreement to the Seller and for the price to be paid by the method preferred by the Buyer. If, for any reason, the price of the goods/services is not paid or is canceled in the bank records, the Seller is deemed to have been released from the obligation to deliver the goods/services.

7. Payment Method

Payments can be made using one of the following methods: credit card, EFT, or bank transfer.

8. Validity Period

The listed and announced prices on the site are the sales prices. The announced prices and promises remain valid until they are updated and changed. Prices announced for a specific period remain valid until the end of the specified period. However, in cases where there are errors, such as incorrect pricing due to a mistake or delayed update from the supplier, the current price notified by the Seller will be considered valid. If there is an overcharge due to an error, the difference will be refunded. If the actual price of the goods/services is different from the advertised price, the Buyer will be informed of the actual price. The sale will be conducted according to the Buyer's request, based on the actual price, or the sale will be canceled.

9. Right of Withdrawal

The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the goods, without assuming any legal or criminal liability and without providing any justification for the sale of goods under distance contracts. For service provision contracts, this period begins on the date the contract is signed. If it is agreed in the contract that the service will be performed before the fourteen-day period expires, the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal until the start of performance. Costs arising from the use of the right of withdrawal are borne by the seller.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Buyer must notify the Seller by phone or email within the fourteen-day period and ensure that the goods/services are not damaged while being inspected and are in a resalable condition. The return procedures within the scope of the right of withdrawal are included in the Distance Sales Agreement. In case of withdrawal, the original invoice must be returned with the goods/services. The goods/services and delivery costs will be refunded to the Buyer within fourteen days from the receipt of the withdrawal notice, and the Buyer is obliged to return the goods/services within ten days. If the original invoice is not sent, VAT and other legal obligations cannot be refunded. Delivery costs for the return of goods/services under the right of withdrawal are borne by the Buyer.

If there is a decrease in the value of the goods due to the fault of the Buyer or if the return becomes impossible, the Buyer is responsible for compensating the Seller's damages proportionately. Payments can be made using one of the following methods: credit card, EFT, or bank transfer.

10. Goods/Services for which the Right of Withdrawal Cannot be Exercised

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for goods/services that are by their nature not suitable for return, goods/services that are rapidly perishable and have expired, single-use goods/services, and all kinds of software and programs. Additionally, to use the right of withdrawal for all kinds of software and programs, DVDs, DIVX, VCDs, CDs, MDs, video cassettes, computer and stationery supplies (toners, cartridges, ribbons, etc.), and cosmetics, the packaging must be unopened, undamaged, and unused.

a) Contracts for goods or services the prices of which vary depending on fluctuations in financial markets and are not under the control of the seller or supplier.

b) Contracts for goods prepared according to the consumer's wishes or personal needs.

c) Contracts for goods that are perishable or expire quickly.

ç) Contracts for goods delivered with protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, or package, which are unsuitable for return due to health and hygiene reasons after being unsealed after delivery.

d) Contracts for goods that are inseparably mixed with other products after delivery by their nature.

e) Contracts for books, digital content, and computer consumables offered in material form, if protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, or package are unsealed after delivery.

f) Contracts for periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except those provided under a subscription contract.

g) Contracts for accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, and leisure activities to be carried out on a specific date or period.

ğ) Contracts for services provided instantly in electronic environment or for intangible goods delivered instantly to the consumer.

h) Contracts for services that are started with the consumer's approval before the end of the withdrawal period.

11. Validity

This pre-information form will be read and accepted by the Buyer in an electronic environment before proceeding to the establishment of the Distance Sales Agreement.

12. Authorized Court

The consumer can submit complaints and objections to the consumer problems arbitration committee or the consumer court in the place where the consumer purchases the goods or services or where the consumer resides, within the monetary limits determined by the Ministry of Customs and Trade every December.

13. Final Provisions

In case the documents and information related to the order are incomplete, false, and/or incorrect or if there is suspicion or determination that the order was placed with bad intent or for commercial purposes and/or to gain profit, the Seller reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel the order application for further investigation, with notification to the Buyer. In case of cancellation, the refund process will be carried out with notification to the Buyer.

14. Exception

The provisions of this pre-information form, which provide legal protection to consumers arising from the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 6502, will be valid and effective only when the Buyer is considered a Consumer according to the said law. If the Buyer does not meet the Consumer definition in the Law No. 6502, the relevant provisions will not be applicable between the parties.

The Buyer acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they have read and are informed of the Preliminary Information as per Articles 48, paragraph 2 of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Articles 5, 6, and 7 of the Regulation on Distance Contracts, and has given the necessary confirmation in the electronic environment.