3-pack sets with String Winder, Cap, and Pick as gifts!
75 USD and above, free shipping.
3-pack sets with String Winder, Cap, and Pick as gifts!
75 USD and above, free shipping.

Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice.

D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) requests some of your personal information (name, age, interests, email, etc.) in order to provide better service to its customers.
D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) uses this information collected on its servers solely within D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) for periodic campaign work, special promotional activities aimed at customer profiles, and customer "classification" efforts to avoid sending unwanted emails.
D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) does not share the information collected from membership forms with third parties without the member's knowledge or contrary instruction, and it does not use it for commercial purposes or sell it outside of its activities.
D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) also analyzes and interprets the visitor movements and preferences it monitors during site usage, apart from the personal information requested in email addresses and membership forms. These statistical data, which do not contain personal information, can be shared with D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) business partners to provide a more special and effective shopping experience for D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) customers.
Customer information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is requested in accordance with procedures by official authorities and if it is required to make a statement to official authorities in accordance with the imperative provisions of the applicable legislation. Only the Customer can access all the information entered into the system by the Customer, and only the Customer can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information. If you wish to unsubscribe from our daily email list at any time, you can easily unsubscribe from the e-newsletter with a single click by clicking the "Please click here to unsubscribe from our e-bulletin list" link at the bottom of the emails we send.
The credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the servers of D ve U Müzik Prodüksiyon (www.pitbullstrings.com) or the companies that provide services to it in order to keep the security of our valued customers who shop from the site at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are carried out between the bank and your computer via the www.pitbullstrings.com interface.
Moreover, "Secure Sockets Layer" (SSL) technology is used on www.pitbullstrings.com. Thanks to our 256-bit SSL certificate, your personal information is encrypted and completely prevented from falling into the hands of third parties.
For any questions, you can reach us at our customer service line 0850 309 10 41.